

SwiNOG #27

SwiNOG #27

November 19, 2014 by 

Kate Garrison in Conference Recap


Anuta Networks was excited to join the 27th edition of SWINOG ‘Swiss Network Operator Group’ in the lovely city of Bern, Switzerland in October. The objective of this group is to improve the Swiss Internet quality and to build a Swiss network and Data Center experts community.

The Conference attracted many Telecom and Cloud Service Providers as well as key industry vendors who shared their vision about SDN, NFV and IPv6. The summit included speakers from Swisscom, Level3, RIPE NCC, Brocade and more.

The SWINOG members got the chance to interact with each other in the beautiful and popular Gurten Park region of Switzerland, over drinks and hors d’oeuvre from their pick of 9 amazing restaurants.

Bruno Paolini, Director of EMEA Sales, of Anuta Networks shared the business and technical challenges that service providers are facing today.

Use-cases pertaining to the future of Software-Defined Networking & Network Functions Virtualization were central to Bruno’s presentation. Bruno shared Anuta’s technology to orchestrate Virtual DC, vCPE, vPE, vRR, vFW and vLB. Bruno has received favorable responses regarding NCX architecture and technology vision.

Service Providers understand that NFV will help them reduce costs and accelerate time to delivery. However, managing virtualized network functions will introduce new challenges in OSS and therefore Orchestration will be a key enabler.

SwiNOG was a great summit and provided opportunity to meet with over 120 like-minded industry experts. The event offered a chance to assess the SDN market and hear what SPs are looking for when it comes to SDN/NFV.


– Kate Garrison, Nov 19th, 2014.

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