
Network Orchestration Case Study: F5 Silverline DDoS Protection

Do you remember when you started your car today? Did you think if the ignition was working or whether the fuel pump was sending gas to the engine or were the pistons cranking, etc? No, you didn’t. Then, why the networking teams are dealing with thousands of operations, across hundred of vendors in a manual […]

Network Orchestration Case Study: Tata Communications

Tata Communications (TCL) is a leading global Tier-1 SP, offering IZO SD-WAN for managed branch customers across 130 countries in 700 cities. TCL team evaluated multiple network service orchestration solutions including Cisco NSO, Glue Networks and Anuta NCX for their multi-vendor infrastructure consisting of Cisco, Riverbed, Versa and Juniper. They chose Anuta NCX because of […]