
Anuta ATOM Cloud is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS), our trusted hosting partner, and is available across multiple regions to cater to your network requirements.

ATOM Cloud is hosted on AWS. AWS enforces security controls to keep your network data secure throughout the entire tenant lifecycle. In addition to the infrastructure controls, Anuta Networks has taken immaculate efforts to prevent any sort of breaches including an ongoing SOC2 audit & certification. To know more about the steps taken to ensure data protection, visit – https://anutanetworks.com/security-umbrella-for-your-data/


To offer more security, ATOM Cloud will not store device credentials, and will utilize the customer authentication & authorization mechanisms to access the network devices.


Read more on AWS datacenter controls here

Anuta ATOM Cloud is anchored on AWS. The AWS data centers are designed with multiple layers of physical security protection to cater to any environmental disruptions with appropriate mitigation strategies. Each region is fully isolated and comprised of multiple AZ’s, which are fully isolated partitions of our infrastructure. 


In addition to the AWS business continuity plan, ATOM Cloud is self-sustained through its microservices architecture offering high availability, disaster recovery & other self-healing properties. ATOM Cloud is also deployed across multiple AWS AZ’s in the same region to better isolate amd achieve even better high availability.

Yes, ATOM Cloud is available in the AWS datacenter near you. However, we do not offer the choice of location at this point in time.

ATOM Cloud offers every feature that Anuta ATOM offers today. The only difference is in the type of offering. ATOM Cloud is a SaaS based offering where the entire infrastructure, ATOM deployment & operations are taken care by Anuta Networks allowing organizations to focus on their usecases without having to worry about deployment hassles. ATOM Cloud brings the benefits of SaaS to our customers. Learn more in this infographic.


For organizations preferring on-prem solutions, Anuta ATOM is available as usual!

Careful thinking has gone in to elevate the experience in ATOM Cloud, both technically & usabbility standpoint. Here are some of the enhancements in-addition to the salient features of existing ATOM.


  1. ATOM Cloud Customer Portal as the single point of entry into the platform. It offers self-help cards such as links to contextual documentation, FAQs, product videos, Customer Support and much more
  2. Service & Workflow Catalog – Choose from the numerous out-of-box service models and workflows to automate your painpoints in network operations. IETF L2/L3 VPN, EVPN, Software upgrades, Compliance rules, we have it all covered.
  3. Vendor Splash page – Get an in-depth understanding of the vendors, platform, devices, services & workflows supported by ATOM Cloud, and choose what is right for you.
  4. Workflow 2.0 –  A revamped workflow engine & designer to operate & create workflows at ease.