
Brownfield Network Discovery and Topology

Anuta ATOM supports brownfield network discovery of existing physical and virtual network infrastructure from multiple vendor devices. The discovery engine identifies device type, device role, device capacity as well as connections with remaining infrastructure. Based on this information, ATOM builds the network topology and inventory. Administrators can organize the discovered resources into multiple pods and resource pools for service provisioning.

Brownfield Config Normalization

Anuta ATOM also captures the configuration of existing devices using CLI, YANG/NETCONF, or APIs. The structured and un-structured configuration is translated into a unified data model and stored as JSON or XML objects. Customers and Partners can manipulate the JSON objects and then Anuta ATOM will auto-generate the commands or APIs to the underlying infrastructure.

Brownfield Service Discovery

Anuta ATOM also discovers existing services in a brownfield deployment. Anuta ATOM discovers the relationship between resources, in some cases (VIPs related to Server and Service). When customers follow naming conventions, the network resources will be assigned to tenants and applications based on the naming conventions. This brownfield service discovery dramatically reduces the time to discover and map the network infrastructure and services.Anuta ATOM Datasheet

Anuta ATOM supports brownfield network service discovery