
Yes, Anuta ATOM supports both greenfield and brownfield networks. On greenfield, ATOM can be a multi-vendor ZTP server and in brownfield networks, ATOM can use SNMP sweep and CDP/LLDP seed mechanism to onboard your multi-vendor networks.

Yes, Anuta ATOM helps you to schedule configuration retrieval at regular intervals or can be triggered if any change happens to the configuration – out-of-band or by ATOM. By default, ATOM retrieves the configuration during the discovery of the device.

Yes, this is similar to the RMA process Anuta ATOM helps in. ATOM supports config versioning and the configuration restoration workflow takes a version of the configuration that needs to be restored, automatically copies the configuration, validates it and performs a reboot of the device by taking relevant approval.

This is done by the compliance management module in Anuta ATOM. The compliance management feature is powered by the configuration management in Anuta ATOM. Please refer the link to know more.

 Within Anuta ATOM, the retrieved configurations undergo normalization to form the device data models. This will further help in the network automation aspects of Anuta ATOM.

 Anuta ATOM can identify any out-of-band changes in its change log feature. The change log entry shows the exact number of configuration lines that have undergone a change. The configuration retrieval can be scheduled based on a device config change SNMP trap, which will immediately trigger a configuration pull to ensure every bit of change is captured in a timely manner,

Anuta ATOM supports L2 topology at this point in time. ATOM also supports overlay of operational and performance data on the topology to provide insightful data for NetOps teams. It also overlays alerts on the topology for quick troubleshooting.