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Network Compliance

Network Compliance and security have become top-of-mind for executives of every organization. Your organization may have to adhere to many policies such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX or even internal business policies. Business and network security is a major challenge for today’s organizations. NIST, CIS and ISO 27001 provide essential security control mechanisms to prevent data breaches, cybercrime, and network frauds.

Configuration accuracy is an absolute necessity in any network and maintaining the configuration is even more necessary than ever before. While many organizations perform network audits in the event of a regulatory check, what needs to be realized is that network audits should not be a snapshot in time. There needs to be continuous compliance checks to ensure configuration consistency Many companies have detailed data and network compliance policies, but is that enough? Even with a well-defined process, services and devices often become non-compliant for a variety of reasons. There is a need for a framework that can monitor your network 24×7, identify issues and take remediation actions to ensure 100% compliance

The cost of non-compliance has increased by 45% since 2011 and could equate to nearly $40million

How does Network Compliance work?

Benefits of ATOM's Network Compliance

Define complicated policies with ease

Compliance with regulatory & internal standards is difficult to achieve. There will be a need to mix and match complex policies across multiple platforms to meet the expected standards. Use ATOM to define complex policies effortlessly.

Mitigate Security Threats with In-Depth Analytics & Detailed reporting

Understanding the network performance in real-time is important to ensure any security holes or impending issues. Use ATOM’s network monitoring and analytics to get an in-depth analysis of any non-compliance and make immediate rectification.

Ensure 24x7 multi-vendor network compliance

Finding it difficult to maintain multi-vendor network compliance? Define unified compliance policies across multiple vendors serving the network using ATOM. Ensure golden configuration across vendors and platforms.

Maintain up to date OS/security patches

Upgrades are essential to meet both feature and security requirements. ATOM helps to you understand the state of software compliance in your network and trigger upgrade workflows to ensure software consistency.

What’s unique to ATOM's Network Compliance

Service Compliance

Having services spanning multiple vendors and platforms? ATOM not only supports service orchestration but also detects any out-of-band changes and remediates it to ensure 100% uptime of your services

Device Configuration compliance

Want to make sure your devices comply with standards such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX etc? Have a Day-0 standard set of configurations the network should comply with? Use ATOM to define complex policies to remain compliant

Intuitive policy framework (Jinja 2 templates)

Use ATOM’s intuitive User interface powered by a strong policy framework to define complex policies. Combine multiple policies into profiles and apply them to a single device or a group of devices

Audit-Ready Reporting

ATOM offers exhaustive compliance reports that provide a network and device-level view of compliance status across the multiple policies that have been defined using ATOM’s policy framework

Scheduled & on-demand remediation

Using manual techniques to remediate non-compliance in the network? Use ATOM to populate all non-complaint configurations into a single window and execute scheduled or on-demand remediation

Tata Communications case study

Read more to know how Anuta ATOM enhanced TCL’s IZO SDWAN deployment using Monitoring and Closed Loop Automation

Ergon case study

Read more to know how Anuta ATOM automated L2/L3 VPN services for a large clean energy company


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Anuta ATOM excels in NetDevOps with robust automation, comprehensive vendor support, and seamless integration. Key features include advanced network discovery, configuration validation, monitoring, and scalable software management, ensuring efficient and compliant network operations.