
What is a Microservice?

Microservices are modular components that can be developed and deployed independently, that aim to improve the agility of software development and maintenance through the elimination of interdependence.

Benefits of Microservices

The benefits are numerous, including but not limited to better scalability, faster deployment, and improved maintenance through expedient issue isolation and resolution scheme.

Developers can build a series of microservices that comprise an application and link them together through standard APIs. The additional benefit of microservices is that there is less of a need to coordinate across development teams. Since each microservice is independent, software teams can focus on one particular component in isolation from the others.

Microservices are enabling the operational simplicity and reduced costs via a web-scale, highly available, and orchestrated services that monolithic software design can’t measure up to.

Microservices in Anuta ATOM

Anuta Networks is one of the first companies to apply a microservices architecture to networking applications. Anuta ATOM platform is comprised of a series of microservices, each providing a specific function such as discovery, provisioning, telemetry, analytics, or assurance.

microservices in anuta atom for multicloud network management

Through the deployment of microservices, Anuta supports rolling upgrades and integration with other enterprises software applications such as performance monitoring and machine learning/ artificial intelligence systems.

The microservices architecture unlocks massive scalability for one million or more network devices. As a case in point, Anuta’s customer Tata Communications was able to leverage microservices functionality to reduce network device provisioning time by 90%.