
Anuta ATOM supports provisioning of IETF standard based L2/L3 VPN by providing an abstraction thus offering multi-vendor coverage. This could include provisioning of multiple PEs, CEs, signaling and discovery parameters and much more.  ATOM also offers custom solutions to SP/MSPs wanting to adopt various flavors of these services.

Moving to a spine-leaf architecture has its set of challenges. Anuta ATOM offers service orchestration around the provisioning of EVPN services across multi-vendor infrastructures. This includes configuration of CEs, PEs, and other related configuration for any flavors of EVPN-VXLAN, EVPN-MPLS etc. SPs can configure multiple EVPNs for their customers using ATOM and provide necessary segregation.

Expand your L2 domain by automating VXLAN configurations in your datacenter. VLAN to VXLAN mapping, VTEP, source and destination IP and MAC address

Automate your L2 and L3 services using ATOM’s service models. Be it a simple VLAN configuration or configuring the 3-tier architecture with IGP and BGP, automate all of it with ATOM’s extensible service models

Automate classification policy, bandwidth policy, network-qos policy and other related configuration using ATOM’s service models  

Automate your multi-vendor firewall configurations – from standard or extended ACLs and apply them to any interface or routing profiles using ATOM’s service models

ATOM supports service chaining use cases such as application delivery services where the service spans across multiple vendors/platforms such as a firewall, load balancer, switching/routing, and IPAM devices.

Bring down the CPE provisioning time from hours to minutes by using ATOM’s service templates. ATOM also handles dual CPE or multiple CPE configurations, all in a single template.  

Routing protocol configurations for BGP, OSPF etc with the relevant policy-based routing configurations can be automated with Anuta ATOM.

Automate any flavor of NAT and corresponding ACLs across multi-vendor devices using ATOM’s extensible service models.

Automate your load balancer configurations including virtual server details, load balance method, real server details, health check mechanisms and IP stack policies using ATOM 

Automate your switch edge port configuration of adding/deleting VLANs in edge access/trunk ports in standalone/port-channel interfaces  using ATOM . The complete CRUD operation is supported for edge port operation in DC/Campus networks.