

Webinar: Anuta Networks nCloudX

Last month, the Anuta Networks team introduced nCloudX in a Packet Pushers webinar. These are the topics that were covered:

Company background
Customer Challenges
nCloudX Solution Overview

Service Design and Orchestration engines.
Integration with OpenStack and VMware vCloud Director.

We performed live demos with real working software while the audience watched. Check it out in the links below:

Play in new window | Download (140MB)

Greg Ferro and Ethan Banks hosted the webinar along with our very own Director of Product Management, Nat Chidambaram (CCIE #5792) and Principal Architect, Reddy Bhupathi (CCIE #22151).

Left to Right: Praveen, Nat, Srini and Reddy.

– Kiran Sirupa, April 10th, 2013.

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